

2012-01-26 13:59

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The Application of Rank Them Random Schedule to improve the skills of conducting Assessment for Learning and generalization of student achievement among trainee teachers.

14/02/2019 01:18


Assessment during the teaching and learning process is relevant for the purpose of improving teacher and pupil learning. Based on the experience of supervising practicum it is found that trainee teacher does not implement assessment for learning (AfL) for each teaching step due to the overwhelming number of pupils. Hence this study aims to improve the skills of implementing AfL among trainee teachers. This qualitative study uses an action research method that involves 24 trainee teachers as research participants set by the Practicum Unit to researchers to be guided. Researcher have built the so-called Rank Them Random Schedule to help participants implement AfL. The research data was obtained from the anecdotal report of research observers on teaching and learning practices in the field, structured interviews with participants, lesson plan document and participants' special reflection. The collected data were analyzed using NVIVO8 software to build the main themes to answer the research questions. The study has found that after the guidance process, the use of the Rank Them Random Schedule has successfully enhanced participants skills to build student classification tests, build the Rank Them Random Schedule, implement AfL efficiently and make more meaningful reflections through the generalization of student achievement. The findings of this study are expected to assist the coaches to carry out effective, focused and structured guidance. Interested researchers can make further research in the field of AfL as there is less research focusing on this field.


This paper had been presented in 1st International Symposium TS25 Pulau Indah Klang, Malaysia on 23rd February 2019.

Hubungan tahap kefahaman peradaban dengan amalan dialog peradaban dalam kalangan pelajar PISMP IPG Kampus Sultan Abdul Halim.

30/05/2017 07:12

A relationship between Understanding and Level of Practice Civilizational Dialogue Among Bachelor of Education Students at Institue of Teacher Education Sultan Abdul Halim Campus


Md Zuki Bin Hashim¹

IPG Kampus Sultan Abdul Halim





Lately found many people often raise sensitive issues of civilization very risky sparking racial strife in Malaysia whether through verbal statements or physical actions. This issue has posed a challenge to the education system in Malaysia, particularly in terms of the role of teachers to realize the concept of education for solidarity. Thus, this study aims to detect the level of understanding about culture and civilizatioanal dialogue practices and the relationship between both among trainees who will be entrusted with the responsibility to foster unity in the workplace in the future. This study is a survey research. The sample is 57 students of Bachelor of Education Takeout June 2015. Data were collected through questionnaires completed by the subjects. Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The study found that overall understanding of civilization is at a high level. Practice civilizational dialogue among respondents also are at high level, which includes the practice of goodwill, sharing practice, practice of positive attributes and practice of interaction. Some items available requires special attention because it is at a moderate level, namely the tendency to greet a different race or religion people (goodwill), share stationery and living room with friends of different race and religion (partnership) and the discussion of issues of racism with a friend or lecturers of different nationalities and religions (interaction). The study also found that there is a significant, positive and strong relationship between the understanding of civilization with civilizational dialogue practices.


Keywords: civilizational dialogue, the practice of goodwill, the interaction


Kertas ini telah dibentang dalam International Conference on Global Education V anjuran Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia dan Universitas Ekasakti di Universitas Ekasakti, Padang, Indonesia pada 10-11 April 2017.

Kelemahan Merancang Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Dalam Kalangan Guru Pelatih Pendidikan Islam Semasa Menjalani Praktikum

06/10/2016 21:37

Md Zuki Bin Hashim

IPG Kampus Sultan Abdul Halim, Kedah, Malaysia


Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengesan kelemahan merancang pengajaran dan puncanya dalam kalangan guru pelatih praktikum. Reka bentuk  kajian ini berasaskan pendekatan kualitatif  yang menggunakan kaedah  kajian kes ke atas sembilan orang guru pelatih Pendidikan Islam. Data kajian diperoleh daripada analisis ke atas dokumen Buku Rancangan Pengajaran Harian yang disediakan oleh guru pelatih, pemerhatian ke atas amalan pengajaran di bilik darjah dan temu bual dengan guru pelatih.  Data dianalisis menggunakan perisian NVIVO8. Kajian ini mendapati antara kelemahan merancang pengajaran  yang dikesan ialah kurang prihatin merancang kemahiran berfikir yang wajar diterapkan, kurang teliti merancang nilai murni yang wajar diterapkan, kurang cermat merancang aras hasil pembelajaran, kurang rapi merancang set induksi dan kurang mahir merancang kepelbagaian teknik pengajaran dan  pembelajaran. Semua tema dipilih berasaskan potensi untuk menjejaskan pelaksanaan dasar pendidikan kebangsaan terutama aplikasi Pendidikan Abad Ke 21. Kajian ini juga mendapati antara punca kelemahan merancang pengajaran ialah kekurangan pengetahuan, pengurusan masa yang kurang cekap, bimbingan semasa interaksi bersemuka yang kurang berkesan, kurang keselarasan format penulisan rancangan pengajaran dan proses penyeliaan yang tidak berfokus. Penyelidik mencadangkan penyelidikan lanjutan berasaskan setiap kelemahan dan puncanya yang telah dizahirkan dalam kajian ini. Kajian ini diharapkan dapat membantu meningkatkan keberkesanan latihan praktikum melalui kesedaran kendiri, bimbingan berfokus dan penyeliaan berfokus.


Kata Kunci: praktikum, teknik pengajaran, kemahiran berfikir, Rancangan Pengajaran Harian, set induksi, nilai murni

Kertas ini telah dibentang dalam International Conference On Islamic Education pada 5-7 Oktober 2016 di IPG Kampus Tun Abdul Razak, Kota Samarahan, Sarawak.

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